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Secure Shell (SSH)

Provides a way to access a remote terminal session on the robot’s computer and copy files to and from the robot. assword authentication is disabled, but a unique SSH key is distributed with each robot allowing access using the root user account.

To SSH without config:

  • cd to folder containing SSH key file. File name is titled digit014
  • In terminal type the command ssh -i digit_ssh_key root@
  • You are now inside Digit’s computer

To set up SSH config for quicker access:

  • To avoid having to specify the key in every command, put the key in ~/.ssh/digit014 add the following to ~/.ssh/config (create this file if it does not exist):
    Host digit
    User root
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/digit014
  • After the above setup, you should be able to log into the robot by running ssh digit from any directory.

To copy files from digit to Local computer:

  • Connect to the robot’s network through ethernet or wifi
  • Run the command scp digit:/agility/conf/lowlevelapi_arms_test.toml /destination/directory to copy to specific directory or scp digit:/file/location ./ to copy to current directory

Print out file contents via SSH:

  • Run the command ssh digit to start a remote terminal session on the robot’s operating system.
  • Run cat /file/location in the remote terminal session to print out the contents of the file on the robot’s filesystem.
  • Run exit in the remote terminal session to quit and get back to the local system terminal.