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Follow instructions below

  • Supplementary video can be found here. link
  1. Place robot with chest flat on the ground at a minimum of 3 feet away from any obstacle
  2. Turn e-stop button ON
  3. Release e-stop button to activate the motors
  4. Turn robot ON
  5. Turn on control pad from top button.
  6. Navigate to wifi settings and select digit14 wifi (Not necessary if wifi has already been saved)
    • Password is chosencertificate127
  7. Open chrome browser and enter url
  8. In the menu select “Gamepad” UI
  9. Once in the Gamepad UI, inspect the robot simulation and ensure that the position of the simulation matches the position of the robot.
  10. Click on “Command Privilege” to obtain control
  11. Click on “Mode” to enable control
  12. Select operating mode from bottom left (stand, move, goto, manipulation)
  13. Select “Help” from top left for button instructions
  14. To turn off, make sure the robot is away from object and then click “Mode” on the top right to disable
  15. Click “Command Privelege” to disable privilege.
  16. Once the robot is laying on the ground press E-stop and turn off robot from side button.
Tags: tutorials